Press Release
Bureau of State Audits Report Shows Progress Being Made by the Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Audit shows Board correctly identified problems, weaknesses, and strategy for resolving them.
March 25, 2008
Brian Stiger
(916) 263-5359
SACRAMENTO – A report released today by the Bureau of State Audits (BSA) shows the Board of Chiropractic Examiners has come a long way in correcting long-standing issues.
The report, which covered Fiscal Years 2005-06 and 2006-07, identifies many of the same issues that the Board itself identified and began to address in early 2007.
"The Board began working to address many of these issues even before the audit began," said Dr. Fred Lerner, D.C., Board Chair. "It was the need to correct these issues that led us to seek a new direction, with a new Executive Officer, last summer."
"The Auditor's report lays out the path for improvement that we began implementing last summer," said Board Executive Officer Brian Stiger. "Our first goal was to get our internal house in order and address board training and Bagley-Keene issues, just as outlined in chapter one of the auditor's report. These are the board's top-priority issues."
"Work on issues in chapters two and three of the report regarding handling of complaints, licensing and appeals is well underway with much of that work having begun before the audit began. We're working diligently to ensure that the integrity of our professionals is protected and we intend to implement many of the audit's recommendations as we move toward our goals," continued Stiger.
“The auditor's hard work helps us confirm that we've identified the issues with board members, enforcement and licensing that reflect exactly where we were and where we are working to be," concluded Stiger.
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